Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Birthday

I’ve been stewing for ages and ages over how and when to write my first entry…what better day to begin than my very own birthday.I love, love, love fall, it is my favorite season of the year! This fall is my first back from abroad in a long while, and so, I am enjoying every last second of it…I’m loving the changing leaves, baked squash for dinner, cozy nights at home as the temperatures drop, Halloween decorations, that fall smell in the air and the anticipation of a thanksgiving meal with my family (the first in five years)…and in honor of my favorite magical season and my bday, I will leave you with a few images that I find delightful…enjoy!
 Last of the summer strawberries...
 Changing of the leaves...these were so brilliantly red...
Found this lil baby yesterday...last one of the season...
Birthday flowers from my boyfriend extraordinaire.
My neighborhood just before sunset...magical!